Groups Of Interest

Chaos Insurgency
A splinter group of the SCP foundation. They seem to want to militarize their anomalies, but not by means of mainstream government military.

The SCP Foundation
A group recognized by multiple world wide entities, with clandestine operation, they have more ties and allies than we do. But they have done some shady things along the way, some leading to the splintering of the SCP foundation into the group now known as the Chaos Insurgency.

United Nations Global Occult Coalition
Some time arround the end of the Seventh Occult War (end of WWII in time). They seek to ensure the: survival, concealment, and protection from any anomalous details. They are a paramilitary group and we do not know if they are aware of the GOE, and are no threat to us.

The HP Coalition
The HP Coalition was founded by (according to them) a man who legally changed his name to "HP". He one night (according to them) discovered of powers and (what we classify as anomalies) cosmic beings. This is why they are such a threat, they host beings that (they have also overcome this but are hesitant to share their methods) pose huge memetic hazards and just a look could end your life or destroy your mind. However we have encountered them in the field, and as an agreement with them are currently hosting an anomaly that one of their cosmic beings is very fond of. We trust them as of now and no tensions have arose. Time and time again, we have helped them, and they have helped us.

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